here you can find the list of every main zine aomm has published. some of these titles are no longer in print.
year 4 & 5
AOMM 43 - f* around and find out
double edition dating zine with sealed section
written across rocks and part protest zine, this is a zine about what a zine is (available at zine fairs until sold out)
painting walls, making pancakes, and texts from your estranged mother
AOMM 40 - rot
rotting, a diagnosis, and a breakup
sour album review, printer troubles, and AI therapist
year 3
AOMM 38 - split edition
a split edition with Luke You that covers b's view of the 2023 small press zine fair in hobart (available at zine fairs until out of stock)
AOMM 37 - cursed dating edition
every bumble profile ever, not getting your hopes up, past loves
AOMM 36 - turning thirty
thoughts on turning thirty, pet death, and the end of a relationship
AOMM 35 - the lost recordings
transcripts of aimless thoughts - the show 'alone', the big merino, canberra arboretum breakdown
year 2
AOMM 34 - unsolved mysteries
some of my favourite mysteries: havana syndrome, the death of avril lavigne, uaps and the bermuda triangle
AOMM 33 - the languishing edition
the word of the moment, wanting to run away from your life
AOMM 32 - the blue edition
lockdown depression and making cyanotypes
AOMM 31 - lockdown edition
another lockdown, listening to american pie on repeat for a week, completing a 4000 piece jigsaw
AOMM 30 - printer horror
i bought a second hand office printer from gumtree and it was one of the worst decisions of my life
the lunar eclipse, trivia night, and hating your job
AOMM 28 - a year of the questions
answers to the same eight questions, asked over the course of a year
AOMM 27 - the body edition
cutting my own hair, madonna with the long neck, life drawing
AOMM 26 - the moving house edition
this edition features guest writers. bing lee vacuum bags, being bitter, moving every six months
new beginnings, resolutions, and stealing photos